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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring What?

Today is officially the last day of my spring break. It has been quite busy indeed which is probably a good thing. Though I do enjoy the time i have spent reflecting and being alone, too much of that makes me super emotional these days. So, here is the rundown of what i have learned over spring break.

1. I love my family. They are completely hectic and I get no rest when I am near them. However, I always miss them when i leave.

2. I have some really good friends who haven't let me down. Please believe that they are a little nuts and love to have a good time. However, for an antisocial girl like me, they have definitely renewed my faith in friendship and loyalty. I haven't even known them for an entire year and they have rallied around me like a circle of warriors and held me up. Completely Awesome!

3. Time alone and lost in thought and emotion is a really good thing when taken in small doses. I am very grateful to be at a place in my life where I truly feel. I feel both good and bad emotion and that is ok with me.

4. Religion is not of the devil. I have spent some time really studying Buddhism and comparing it to Christianity bc of course Christianity was my first. lol. I believe that when taken in a very personal context, wisdom in any form can help you to center yourself and healthily deal with the obstacles of life. I don't think they should be used as a crutch of solice bc that lends itself to not really looking inside you for the courage to face this life as it is and find the good in it. However, as a guide, it can lead to some deep thought and even deeper emotion.

5. Life is indeed fleeting. The only male on the VC lost one of his closest friends over spring break to a completely senseless act of violence. He was a graduate student who planned to be a teacher. He got out of his car to pump gas and was gunned downed by a kid who had nothing to live for and thus cared about no person including himself. As I watched and listened to JM attempt to come to terms with his loss and the lack of fairness in the whole situation, I began to grasp even more fully that we truly only have today. Which kinda made me sad but also kinda gave me renewed hope. I mean, we plan our whole lives for tomorrow. What we will drive, who we will be with, where we will live, etc and we forget that today is a gift. Now, that isn't to say that nobody should plan for the future or strive to be in a better place tomorrow than they are today. That would just be irresponsible. But it is also irresponsible not enjoy the life you have. Maybe I don't have it all together all the time. But hey, who does? Maybe I need to cry my eyes out before i fall asleep or maybe I need to skip work at home to have ice cream or maybe I need to write under the shade tree on Saturday afternoon instead of going out. I will never have today again. I need to find positivity and beauty in this day. Everything may not be what I want it to be. However, there is indeed beauty in today. It is my job to find that beauty and let it shine within me. This is not always easy, but it is doable...

Now for something a little less life altering and a little more current events. The things going on in Japan just seem surreal. I mean, I watch the video footage and it is truly like watching a movie. It is crazy to think that it is real. Mother nature can be such a cruel mistress. Next, we just frickin attacked Libya. I am in no way ok with the way that the government there is treating its people. However, is it really the United States or the World's business to create freedom for these people. I mean, I want everyone to have freedom and I think it is awesome that these people are standing up for rights. However, isn't that their battle to fight. We have homeless people, mentally ill people, and a whole host of others who are destitute and abandoned in our country and yet we shoot 110 multimillion dollar missiles at a country that is not our own and then tell our own people we don't have the money to help them. Something is off balance when Libyan people are more important than our own. Ok, I am officially stepping off of the soap box.

Have a beautiful day....

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