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Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Positive Moment...

So, this week has been hard but I am getting through. My insomnia is at a fever pitch. I guess that is because I have been so busy during the days that it is the only time I give the anxiety a moment to get to me. None the less, during tutoring today, Mrs. R, who is awesome anyway came by my room. Thus, I asked her to give it to me straight. I know the board is cutting over 200 teachers and I'm not tenured, so what are my chances. She said, "Ms. Turner, I can't keep you from getting the pink slip. But my opinion matters and I promise you will return". Now, this assumes that I want to return I guess. But it is nice to know that someone in such a high position believes I am a great teacher and will fight for me. It made me feel appreciated.

On an even better note, I had my kids do political cartoons today. I expected this to be like pulling teeth. However, I was impressed. My favorite was the drawing of a slot machine. Across the machine was a pic of the earth splitting, then a giant wave, and finally a nuclear sign. Above the picture read, Japan. Below the picture read, The Disaster Jackpot. Now that was pretty good.

Finally, I don't understand why people do things just to save face. I say this bc I am being pressured to attend the Bday party of a teacher I don't like. I mean, he really sucks and he has invited the whole school bc he is into himself. Now, my reaction to the invite was automatically NO. However, some of my teacher pals are going "just to check it out". This I don't understand bc not only do I not want to check out all the money he spent, but also I do not want to check out all of the old people from the school I really don't like. Therefore, my answer is still NO. I have a really HUGE Saturday and I kinda want to spend Friday mentally preparing. So, it isn't that I have a problem saying no, it is just that I don't understand feeling the need to "show my face". Ugh....I digress.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Back to Work

Yeah, so today was day one on the push to summer. Most people were not happy about returning. However, after the day I had yesterday, I was stoked. I mean, for some reason, yesterday was my anxiety day. I literally had a panic attack while just sitting in a chair. It was strange in that I was feeling emotional yesterday, but I had remained pretty positive even in the midst of wanting to fall apart. Therefore, I was a bit surprised by the whole thing. Now on to brighter moments.

Today went so smoothly. Most of the kids chose to take an extra day off and those that were present were comatose bc they had to wake before noon. However, I will say after not sleeping at all last night(yes, NONE) I am currently as tired as a prostitute in Charlie Sheen's house myself. But I must avoid napping or my fate will be the same tonight.

Student Quotes of the Day:

Me: Today we are going to do some popcorn reading
Student: Dang Ms. Turner, you know I can't read.
Me: Yes, you can
Student: No really, I'm on a 4th Grade level

Me: DB, If I ask you again not to talk while others are reading you are out and I'm writing you up.
DB talks again
Me: DB (Pointing to the Door)
Another Student: And your write up papers will be right behind you Chief...

Student 1: Why you keep callin on me, gul?
Student 2: Cuz you da slowest reader in here and I aint tryin to get to those questions
Me: Speechless

Glad I had a day free from my thoughts and filled with theirs....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring What?

Today is officially the last day of my spring break. It has been quite busy indeed which is probably a good thing. Though I do enjoy the time i have spent reflecting and being alone, too much of that makes me super emotional these days. So, here is the rundown of what i have learned over spring break.

1. I love my family. They are completely hectic and I get no rest when I am near them. However, I always miss them when i leave.

2. I have some really good friends who haven't let me down. Please believe that they are a little nuts and love to have a good time. However, for an antisocial girl like me, they have definitely renewed my faith in friendship and loyalty. I haven't even known them for an entire year and they have rallied around me like a circle of warriors and held me up. Completely Awesome!

3. Time alone and lost in thought and emotion is a really good thing when taken in small doses. I am very grateful to be at a place in my life where I truly feel. I feel both good and bad emotion and that is ok with me.

4. Religion is not of the devil. I have spent some time really studying Buddhism and comparing it to Christianity bc of course Christianity was my first. lol. I believe that when taken in a very personal context, wisdom in any form can help you to center yourself and healthily deal with the obstacles of life. I don't think they should be used as a crutch of solice bc that lends itself to not really looking inside you for the courage to face this life as it is and find the good in it. However, as a guide, it can lead to some deep thought and even deeper emotion.

5. Life is indeed fleeting. The only male on the VC lost one of his closest friends over spring break to a completely senseless act of violence. He was a graduate student who planned to be a teacher. He got out of his car to pump gas and was gunned downed by a kid who had nothing to live for and thus cared about no person including himself. As I watched and listened to JM attempt to come to terms with his loss and the lack of fairness in the whole situation, I began to grasp even more fully that we truly only have today. Which kinda made me sad but also kinda gave me renewed hope. I mean, we plan our whole lives for tomorrow. What we will drive, who we will be with, where we will live, etc and we forget that today is a gift. Now, that isn't to say that nobody should plan for the future or strive to be in a better place tomorrow than they are today. That would just be irresponsible. But it is also irresponsible not enjoy the life you have. Maybe I don't have it all together all the time. But hey, who does? Maybe I need to cry my eyes out before i fall asleep or maybe I need to skip work at home to have ice cream or maybe I need to write under the shade tree on Saturday afternoon instead of going out. I will never have today again. I need to find positivity and beauty in this day. Everything may not be what I want it to be. However, there is indeed beauty in today. It is my job to find that beauty and let it shine within me. This is not always easy, but it is doable...

Now for something a little less life altering and a little more current events. The things going on in Japan just seem surreal. I mean, I watch the video footage and it is truly like watching a movie. It is crazy to think that it is real. Mother nature can be such a cruel mistress. Next, we just frickin attacked Libya. I am in no way ok with the way that the government there is treating its people. However, is it really the United States or the World's business to create freedom for these people. I mean, I want everyone to have freedom and I think it is awesome that these people are standing up for rights. However, isn't that their battle to fight. We have homeless people, mentally ill people, and a whole host of others who are destitute and abandoned in our country and yet we shoot 110 multimillion dollar missiles at a country that is not our own and then tell our own people we don't have the money to help them. Something is off balance when Libyan people are more important than our own. Ok, I am officially stepping off of the soap box.

Have a beautiful day....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Night at the Peevy's

Well, it is not early and I am just getting up. There is something about the Peevy guest bed that lends itself to good sleep. Had an awesome night drinking Rico's peach tea and eating fried green tomatoes. Some people come into your life and you think, "they are cool", not realizing how amazing they are. The Peevy's are those people. So, thanks for the food and the talk and the laughs and the sleep...Especially, the sleep.

In other news, the GA lottery is like 176 million and though it is a long shot, I think I will lay my dollar down. You know, my sister has always said, Katie is that person who if she has any luck it is bad luck. This is not being pessimistic. It is being honest. But hey, I figure that has to turn around at some point and if it happens to turn when the lottery is at 176 million, good for me.

Finally, I think I am going to give in to my artistic side a little more. No, I don't mean blue hair or even black nails per say. However, as I was searching for a new ball cap yesterday(Molly chewed my fav hat to bits), I found myself pulled to hats that are not baseball caps. I tried one on and I loved it. The truth is, I love Chuck Taylors, ratty old jeans, vintage tees, writing, music, art, meditating, and standing in the rain. So, why not give in to it? Maybe I will get real crazy and find a thrift store to play in for a while. :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break...

Day 1:
My day started as most in Atlanta do. Jackson was ever so eager to jump onto me and kiss me good morning well before I actually wanted to get up. Then it was time to decide on an adventure for the day and apparently Beluga Whales are all the rage right now. Thus, we were off to the GA Aquarium. There is nothing like being taught about sea creatures like you have an IEP by a 2 year old in public. Just saying.

After leaving the Aquarium, we came home to rest. Well, for Jack that meant going outside to play. This did however give me the opportunity to see Harper in her sweet little hat. She is adorable. While we are on the subject of Harper, let me say that I picked the wrong kid for which to be a nanny. She is SOOOO easy going. She is sleep training right now and is ever so happy to sleep in the pack and play while Jack, Molly, and everyone else never miss a beat around her. She rarely cries and she is content to play with her toys for 30 or more minutes already. Any of you who know Jackson know that it took me a month of 45 minute pat sessions to get him to sleep in his own bed and I would kill anyone for making noise. You would also know that he has NEVER learned to play by himself or ride in a stroller of any kind. Thus, they have 2 totally different personalities already and I was a nanny for the hard headed one.

Now there is the topic of potty training. It is not enough that I clap for Jack when he potties. He feels that I must participate. I now know that potty training is something that should only be endured by those with parental love. This, I do not have. All I can say is gross....On the other hand, he is doing very well. He does not have accidents and he tells you when he has to go. So, good job kid.

Finally, I took a nap today. I don't normally do this. However, sleep has not come easy recently and I was worn out. I am almost certain that I am going to regret it in the morning because I will not go to bed when I should. But hey, for today, it felt good. Tomorrow is Harper's adoption hearing and the judge is new so it is iffy. I am hoping for the best as it would suck to deal with the worst. If all goes well in the morning, I will celebrate with family before heading out to see Christy and Brandon. There are always times to be had there.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Random Stuff

I am officially on spring break. I am going to Atlanta to see my beautiful nephew and niece for a few days. I had intended to stay for longer. However, I feel that time by myself is doing me good, I never get any work done while I am there, and I have to miss the gym while I am gone. Thus, I feel 3 days or so will be enough.

I received my first sunburn of the year yesterday. Ugh... I do wish my gene pool would have included skin that would tan. I mean, I spent 2 hours outside watching the girls practice yesterday and I look like a lobster this morning. Truly, if there were an antidote to non tanning skin, I would be standing in line like tech nerds at Best Buy before the release of the new Ipad.

Finally, I am drinking water like a fish these days and well, I still hate it. I don't know why i have a mental block with water but i do. I mean, I hated coke zero. However, i forced myself to drink it for a while and now I love it. So, why can't water be the same. I mean, if it weren't for Crystal Lite packs this water thing would not be working out. So, if anyone has any suggestions as to how I can love water like my body does, please let me know.

Otherwise, all is well on the home front. I should be getting a pink slip soon but I am not letting it worry me to death. It just leaves my possibilities open. I am working out, eating pretty well, and looking forward to planning out the rest of my school year over this week. As, the countdown moves on, I am anxious but hopeful. I love that I have found a place in my life where I feel i actually have coping skills that work. So, last thought of the day is: Thanks Dr. Liz. I should have listened when you said, "this is just the beginning. The rest of the work will need to come from within you.". It was true and I am glad I had such a great teacher.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Bouncer in Me...

Well, this year, those who have come to know me think I would make a good bouncer bc I am always breaking up fights at school. I told people close to me and myself that I was going to do better and stop before I really got hurt. So, here is how that is working out for me.

This week, there had been 2 fights in the 9th grade. I completely stayed out of them and called security. Thus, by today I was feeling pretty good about myself and my will power to remain Bouncer Free. However, today, I slipped. I tried to stick to my word and remain out of this fight as well. No, seriously, I did. But some how, it just didn't work out that way.

So, what had happened was:
I was in the hallway with a few hundred kids who were headed to lunch. I looked toward the girls restroom bc I heard a young lady yelling. I did not know her so when I saw her leap into the bathroom and all the kids ran that way, I went into my room and called security. As, I was telling my kids to remain seated, a student of mine said Ms. Turner it is VB. Well, VB is one of my favorite students. I mean, she makes straight A's, never talks out of turn, is a true kid who likes to try to beat me at thumb wrestling, and never has a non-bubbly day. Thus, I ran out of my room. The crowd was so large at this point that I didn't know how I was going to get to them. So, I got against the wall and began pulling kids back one by one until I got to the fight. To my surprise, when I came around the corner, sweet little VB had this girl who was twice her size and a trouble maker on the floor wearing her out. So, I threw VB over my shoulder and pushed us both through the crowd into a classroom where I literally had to hold her up bc she was so upset with the thought of being suspended and losing her A.

By this time security, who was following me through the crowd came to get her. I calmed her down and assured her that she did nothing wrong. I mean, you can't help but to fight if you are jumped. I also don't like that she will get the same suspension when she was not the aggressor. None the less, I slipped. I don't know what it is that comes out in me when I feel like one of these good kids could be hurt but it is all consuming and I feel like I have to help them. I guess I am a protector after all. Is that really such a bad thing?

My back will probably not be happy with me tomorrow. However, if she would have been hurt, my heart would not have forgiven me today. So, I am still trying to stay out of the role of bouncer. But I don't know if I will ever truly be able to let a kid be in danger without stepping in to help. It just seems to be who I am.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday Tune...

"I Am Yours"
When all my hopes and dreams
Have been betrayed
I stand before you
My hands are empty

I am yours
If you are mine

When I fall and stumble
Flat on my face
When I'm shamed and humbled
In disgrace

I am yours
If you are mine

When voices call me
To question my faith
When misperception
Taints my love with hate

I am yours
If you are mine

When time decides
It won't stop for me
When the hawks and vultures
Are circling

I am yours
If you are mine

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekend Testing and Zen Tarot

Well, I have never been more thankful for the hectic work weeks that I endure regularly bc there is nothing like being busy. However, with the weekend came some ups, some downs, and some strength. While in DC I had the uncomfort and pleasure of experiencing Zen Tarot. These are Buddhist based Tarot cards. They are really cool bc they mean nothing in general but they apply to everything. I'm not of the school of thought that believes anything like horoscopes or tarot cards are life predicting any more than I am of the school of thought that praying to a man in the sky for wealth will actually bring it. However, the cards provoke thought. Thought about yourself, your feelings, your core of being and any time we really begin to think, especially when the thoughts are guided by a specific topic or guiding thought, we are able to search deep within ourselves for new truth.

So, I have spent today cleaning, working out, and reflecting with the guidance of the tarot. It is awesome to feel as if you have the power to control you and it is scary to know that in this vast universe, you control nothing else. Knowing who I truly am and being at peace with that lets me know that I can bring good things into my life and that I deserve them. It gives me strength to know that I am good enough for happiness and I can have it through myself alone. It has helped me to believe and to trust myself to know where I belong. If you can't trust yourself, who can you trust. The person that I am is positive even in unpositive circumstances. The person I am loves the simple things in life. I don't need alot to be happy. The person that I am works hard not because of a paycheck or because of competition but bc I am living my calling. Everyone should be so lucky as to feel the peace that I feel when i am in my classroom knowing i am making a difference.

Therefore, I am strong, beautiful, and peaceful in this moment and this moment is all that I have. :-)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oh, What a day....

People often ask me why I like teaching in my school so much. It really is a calling and it is at times rewarding. As stated yesterday, it is grad exam week which means, my classes, who aren't taking the exam are frozen. I have one class for 4 to 5 hours. The rewards I speak of come in strange ways sometimes but it always fills my heart and makes me smile. Here are some examples from today:
"Ms. Turner, Can I please spend test time in your class."
"Ms. Turner, I knew that answer because you taught that right before Christmas."
Student 1, "Ms. Turner, can I go to the bathroom."
Student 2, "I got it Ms. T. Negative Chief."
I'm walking to lunch and I hear: "What up Ms. Turner?" A student walking behind me to lunch replies "What up kiddo."
Last but certainly not least, I received 3 messages on my board today.
I Heart Ms. Turner
Mrs. Turner, will you marry me? Which is funny bc this child stays in trouble with me and does not realize if I were indeed Mrs. Turner, I could not marry anyone else.
Mrs. Turner, this DVD sucks....Raw honesty

Regardless of how I feel when I get there or how much some kids irritate me, someone in the building makes me smile. That is why I teach where i do. If I can be the reason that a kid with no hope starts to believe they can make it or that, and if they were here now they would say it for me, It does not matter where you come from, it matters where you are going, then I have left a small mark of myself in this life. That makes me feel good inside when I feel like nothing can.